Hey there, Mama

Find Healing: Love Mama Grief Retreat

The lifeline for mothers seeking solace and healing, offering a supportive community of like-minded women, expert guidance, and a safe space to honor their grief and begin the journey toward healing. Our next retreat is in high demand, so we are deep in the planning stages of another signature 5-day retreat (plus several shorter weekend and one-day experiences we’ll keep you posted about). 

The main thing to know: You aren’t alone. There is a community waiting to embrace you and heal along with you.

Sign up now to secure your spot on the retreat waitlist and you’ll be notified as soon as registration opens.


Learn about the mission and vision behind Love Mama Grief Retreat

The loss of a child is deeper and wider than any other loss. 

There is amazing healing and power found in spending time with others who empathize with and share a similar level of loss, especially when under the care of trained and gifted healers and teachers. 

Our intentions with the Love Mama Retreat are to help

  • Illuminate a path to healing that is sustainable and supportive.
  • Teach (and demonstrate to you) that you can continue to stay connected to and in a relationship with your angel on the other side.
  • Connect you with a community of like-minded souls with whom you can form beautiful friendships.

A Healing Retreat for Grieving Mamas

Registration for this program is currently closed. 

If you are a mother whose child has lost a child at any age, or experienced pregnancy loss at any stage, and you’re seeking a space to be embraced, supported, and looked after, this retreat is for you! The Love Mama Grief Retreat offers a nurturing and secure setting for Mothers of Angels to connect with a community of bereaved parents who have experienced similar traumatic losses. This is an opportunity to let go of daily pressures and the expectations of others, allowing yourself the space to breathe and heal.

This past retreat (and hopefully future ones) was hosted at the 75-acre nonprofit 1440 Multiversity campus. This five-day, four-night experience is intended to provide the safety and healing you need to fully inhabit your grief — to pause, reflect and perhaps begin to discover new meaning that may be found by going and growing through this pain.


Love Mama Grief Retreat is a Game-changing life experience to...

Find Empathy, Warmth,
and Support

Come to Love Mama Grief Retreat, where you'll find comfort in the company of mothers who've walked the same path.

Discover a Safe
Space to Heal

Take a break from life's demands and immerse yourself in a nurturing environment where healing is top priority.

Explore the Tools
and Techniques

Heal your body, mind, and soul from your traumatic loss  in a sustainable supportive way. 

Connect with
Your Loved Ones

Love lives forever, and energy can’t be destroyed. Learn how to connect with your angel on the other side and create a new kind of relationship with them.  

Talk to
Dr. Laura Berman

Meet Dr. Laura Berman, a beacon of hope who's turned her own tragedy into a haven for grieving mothers like you.


I'm Dr. Laura Berman

Hi! I’m so glad you are here. I’m not only a seasoned relationship therapist with 30+ years of experience (and two Masters Degrees and a PhD from New York University). I’m also a wife of 20 years and a mother of 3 boys, including my beautiful boy, Sammy, forever 16.

You might remember me from The Oprah Winfrey Show and other major TV appearances. I'm a bestselling author and award-winning radio host, and my passion is hosting The Language of Love podcast where I give practical tips for modern relationships. 

But since losing my son, I have also become an accidental grief educator and advocate. I am committed to helping others not only survive unimaginable loss but learn to thrive through it the way I have. Breaking apart can become a breakthrough with the right guidance.

As seen on...

Your Journey Starts Here

The loss of a child is deeper and wider than any other loss. There is amazing healing and power found in spending time with others who empathize with and share a similar level of loss. Our hope is that attendees discover healing, but deep and lasting community and friendships with like-minded souls they can be supported by and support long after the retreat ends.

Your Healers & Teachers

Dr. Laura Berman, renowned relationship therapist and television host, transformed her personal tragedy into creating a refuge of support for grieving mothers with the Love Mama Grief Retreat. Her journey of healing began with the unexpected loss of her 16-year-old son Sammy in February 2021, leading her to the transformative sanctuary of 1440 Multiversity. There she began healing by working with a team of her healer friends including therapy and education, somatic experiencing, grief yoga, breathwork, mediumship, energy healing and body work.  These are the pillars of the Love Mama Retreat, as Dr. Berman brings in a variety of the same healers and teachers who helped her heal. 

Here is the lineup of healers at the last Love Mama Retreat: 

Learn more

A few impressions of our last Love Mama Retreat…

See how the Love Retreat changed lives...

Become a Donor or Sponsor 

Whether you're an individual, a nonprofit foundation, a philanthropist, or a corporation, your heartfelt generosity will support the Love Mama Grief Retreat. Your donation will fund scholarships, making it possible for mothers who otherwise couldn't afford to attend, to be selected through a random draw from our online applications. Every penny of your donation will be fully utilized to aid in the healing journey of all participating mothers.



PLUS Special Bonus!

Can't attend the Grief Retreat?

No worries, I've got your back. While connecting directly with like-minded individuals is one of the most healing experiences, I have created a guide to help you understand the grief process and gain a new perspective on grief – one that will aid in your healing journey.

So don't wait, check out my course. Let's heal together.

Learn more